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High-stress situations pushes people to the edge.

Some people rise the occasion, others fail.

What makes the difference?

Hostage negotiation tactics may at first seem a little too extreme, or intense, to be utilized at work. It’s exactly those situations that can teach us how to deal with tough and highly demanding situations. My guest, Geroge Kohlrieser, a leadership expert and a former hostage negotiator, believes that high-performing leaders are able to use these techniques in any personal or business relationship to ensure they are never a hostage to anyone, including themselves.

In this episode, we speak about the “secure base” concept. George gives us real-life examples and practical advice on how this may manifest in leaders and how to become a secure base for themselves in order to build an inspiring work environment.

George A. Kohlrieser, trained as an organizational and clinical psychologist, is a Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at IMD Business School in Switzerland. He is the founder of the High-Performance Leadership (HPL) Program, the flagship six-day program for experienced senior leaders. George is a frequent speaker at management conferences including the World Business Forum, the World Economic Forum, and the United Nations. He is a media commentator on issues related to leadership, conflict, aggression management, and hostage negotiation and has been a presenter at TEDx talks in both New York and Lausanne.

TEAMING UP Podcast is hosted by Simon Vetter. He is an executive leadership coach and expert on building compelling cultures and inspired workplaces.

Discussion Points

  • What is ‘secure base’ leadership?
  • Consequences when people don’t have a ‘secure base’
  • The brain is fundamentally negative – and what to do about it
  • How to successfully apply the ‘secure base’ concept in sales
  • Importance of understanding a person’s pain points
  • Techniques to calm down an angry person
  • Why do so many leaders often lack excellent listening skills?
  • Using the mind’s eye to play to win instead of not to lose
  • Affirmations to shift a mindset or emotional state
  • How to find a secure base at work: be open and emotionally available
  • Recognize the power of ‘choice’