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Create culture change from the top


High impact presentations for team growth and organizational transformation

Simon’s authentic and pragmatic approach combined with decades of working in global organizations gives his audience a rich and practical learning experience. He addresses issues of leadership, organizational health, collaboration and team work within the context of real business topics.

Simon provides tools to ignite passion, commitment and performance in your organization, while avoiding interpersonal traps, confusion and dysfunctions. His presentations and workshops help teams and organizations transform for agility and accelerated growth.

VISTAGE Speaker: Simon Vetter is accredited speaker for VISTAGE, a global peer learning group for CEO’s. He regularly presents to CEO circles about leadership and corporate change strategies.

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Simon Vetter Speaking Photo
STAND OUT Leadership

Helping Successful Managers Become Exceptional Leaders

  • Understand the impact of leadership behaviors on performance and culture
  • Five common mistakes leaders make and how to avoid them
  • Apply a coaching process that inspires lasting change in leadership behaviors
Team Building Without Time Wasting

Success Factors to Foster a High-Performing Team Culture

  • Create an uplifting path for the future that compels your employees
  • Unlock the power of vision to unleash collective intelligence and creativity
  • Blueprint for the vision creation process – six steps to put the vision into action
Leading with Vision

The Blueprint for Creating a Compelling Vision and Engaging the Workforce

  • Apply a team development tool to inspire and empower others
  • Strengthen communication, collaboration and cohesiveness
  • Identify key leadership challenges and address them in a positive way