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Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Teaming Up Conversations podcast.  I am your host, Simon Vetter.  My guest today is Carolyn Maue, author of the new book, “Gourmet Leadership: Turn Up the Heat on Your Secret Sauce.” A fellow executive coach, Carolyn is the founder of The Maue Center, where she transforms teams, organizations and industry sectors by coaching them on innovative and inspiring leadership.  Her mission is to “change the world one leader at a time.” 

Are you searching for the perfect recipe of ingredients to create a harmonious, high-performance team?  Join us for a discussion surrounding the sometimes intangible qualities of that “secret sauce” that can help leaders and teams strike the right balance for optimum performance.

Teaming Up Conversations is powered by Stand Out International, and hosted by Simon Vetter.   Simon is an executive leadership coach and CEO of Stand Out International, Inc., and his focus is on behavioral change and executive leadership coaching.  Simon trains managers and teams in Fortune 500 companies, guiding them toward better focus, increased clarity, and personal balance.  Simon is the author of “STAND OUT! Branding Strategies for Business Professionals,” and has a Masters in Business and Marketing (lic.rer.pol.) from University of Bern, Switzerland.  He is certified in DISC, CDR, Hogan, Opposite Strengths, viaEdge Leadership Agility, Strength Development Inventory, Alpha Leadership, and 360 Leadership Survey Tools.

Discussion Points

  • Carolyn’s introduction/background
  • How a passion for cooking food led to writing her book
  • What is the “secret sauce” of leadership?
  • Some examples of stand-out chefs in the book
  • Being honest with yourself about your skill level
  • A previous boss that Carolyn admired
  • What are some of the biggest challenges for the chefs you interviewed?
  • Carolyn shares some insights on teams and employee retention gleaned from some of the best chefs in the world
  • How to apply the lessons learned from these chefs to other teams in the workplace
  • A great leader identifies the special skill set in each of her employees
  • Many sectors are stuck in “Industrial Age” thinking 
  • Examples of the best and worst teams and leaders Carolyn has worked with in her past
  • All good leaders should work to “catch people doing a great job” more often


The Maue Center Website

Carolyn Maue on LinkedIn

Maue Center on Facebook

Simon Vetter Website

Simon Vetter LinkedIn