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This month I delivered a team and leadership workshop for eight sales and marketing executives.

One of the biggest challenges the team was dealing with was internal conflict and tension. Also, the managers felt that their teams were not engaged enough.

This led to an insightful discussion about how to boost team morale.

Today, I decided to share with you the seven ways we identified to unify the team, strengthen engagement, and create a positive team spirit.

Model Good Behaviour as a Leader

A supportive leader who works closely with their employees will provide a powerful incentive when it comes to developing talent and encouraging creativity.

Leaders should work as role models holding themselves to high standards of accountability and encouraging their team members to follow suit.

Understand the Human Psyche

Understanding the human condition will inspire motivation in your team development.

The first step is realizing that all humans are motivated, but there are different methods you can use to bring this motivation out.

For many, this revolves around a personal rewards system, in other words, what’s in it for them?

Once you find out what drives each person, it will be easier to get them to become more motivated.

For many, telling them that they’ve done a good job and letting them know what you appreciate about their work will serve as a great motivator.

Encourage and Make Time for Team Work

While individuality should be rewarded, being part of a team can provide its own sense of satisfaction.

Encourage your team to work together to reach their goals teaching them to trust each other and look beyond themselves when it comes to getting tasks done.

You can also enforce a sense of teamwork by providing healthy competition and activities they can enjoy together both in and outside of the office.

Encourage Individuality

Even though you are working with a team, you must realize that each member brings value to the whole.

Show your team members that you recognize their individuality by praising them for what they are exceptional at and assigning them tasks that complement their strengths.

Allowing them to display personal items in the workplace will also work to empower each individual.

Learn to Deal With Conflict and Tension

While encouraging a positive atmosphere within your team can be a great way to minimize dissatisfaction, there can be other sources of discontent that could be making your team members unhappy, making for a lack of motivation in the workplace.

These can include low pay, uncertainty about the future, intrusive management, excessive paperwork and more.

Do your best to get familiar with the source of problematic areas, including conflict and tension, and address these issues in an effort to make your employees happier and more productive.

Minimize Boredom

Nothing stunts motivation like boredom.

Yet, it is easy for team members to become bored by an everyday office routine and performing similar tasks on a daily basis.

Do what you can to minimize boredom by putting a new spin on things and making sure repetitive tasks don’t always fall on the same people.

Schedule short breaks so employees can take a quick walk around the block or interact with loved ones.


Inspiring motivation is not easy but getting the right insight into what makes your team members tick can be extremely helpful.

Are you looking for ways to boost morale in your team or organization? Contact me to learn more.