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Team and Culture Development

Make culture your competitive advantage


Create high-functioning work environment that enables and empowers performance

Imagine a work environment where employees are intrinsically motivated, inspired, and feel valued. A team that collaborates seamlessly to achieve exceptional results and has fun along the way.

We’ve witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of underperforming teams on productivity, morale, and ultimately, the bottom line. But we’ve also witnessed the transformative power of a leader fully commited to building a high-functioning team culture.

Building a winning team culture is an investment in the future of your business.



We called Simon Vetter to work with our executive team to help us form a strong, winning CEO team. The hands-on leadership development approach provided by Simon Vetter proved very valuable for our company: our market share and financial performance increased in a stagnant market.

Morten Hannesbo, CEO, Switzerland

I’m thrilled to have partnered with Simon Vetter. He provided a successful leadership program for our management team. His delivery style is effective, pragmatic, and highly engaging. Our leaders exhibit more trust, hold each other accountable, and are better prepared for our accelerated growth.
Celia Reyes, VP Human Resources, San Diego
Simon’s leadership program has created a strong commitment in our leadership team to win together and create alignment in our organization. He reminded me as the CEO that change will only happen if I am spearheading the initiative and participate.

Michael Traub, CEO, Huntington Beach

As CEO of a large commercial construction business, Simon assisted me and my entire leadership team for several years. During that time our revenues nearly doubled and our profit increased fourfold. Simon made a good leadership team a great leadership team.

Clark Thompson, CEO, San Diego